Making Movie Album Cover

00:03 Vallabh 0 Comments

making Movie album cover, Album CD cover in Photoshop

Making Movie Album Cover

Final view

Step 1:
Create New File.
Get the two images for cover.

Step 2: 
Take both the images on newly created file by copy-paste. (Layer 1 and Layer 2)

 Transform the images to the middle By pressing Ctrl+T.

Step 3:

Now Select layer 2 and make it black-white (Image ---> adjustment ---> Gradient Map --> Select Black-White ---> OK).

Step 4:
Now Now press Ctrl+B (color balance).
and adjust the Layer 2's color to orange so that it matches nearly to Layer 1 Image color.

Step 5:

Now Select Layer1, Add mask Layer to it from Layer ---> Add Layer mask ---> Reveal all.
Select the masked layer and go to the Gradient fill tool Select the Black-transparent color combination and click ok.

Drag the mouse over top of Layer 1.

Step 5:
Make New layer (Ctrl + Shft + N). fill layer with orange color. add mask to it and set layer to "color mode"

Making Movie album cover

Add Title/Text.

photoshop tutorial
